Stimulate crawling in babies

The crawl phase It covers between the eighth and eleventh month, although there are some babies who skip this stage to start walking directly.

The crawling is a very important stage in its evolutionary development since it helps you strengthen and develop the muscles and bones of the whole body, in addition to giving you greater confidence in yourself and giving you greater autonomy.

There are several exercises and games that you can practice with your baby to stimulate crawling and its motor evolution.

For example, while changing it, extend and flex your legs as if you were riding a bicycle. You can also roll it on itself on the bed or on a carpet. You can also pass a sheet or scarf under the gut and hold it with your hands. This will help you keep your balance and give you security until you learn alone.

Another thing that he will love is that you crawl on his side on all fours and that you help him move. You also travel the house on all fours as if it were the most normal thing in the world.

There are also several very effective toys for this stage that help the child coordinate their movements. Balls with noises and colors are very good, as are cylindrical toys with wheels that make the baby push and chase them.

Activity blankets and floor gyms are toys that stimulate baby movements before crawling.

Video: Developmental Stages for Baby: 6-8 months - Eastern Idaho Regional Medical Center (July 2024).