A two-year-old boy suffers a severe brain injury after consuming raw milk

A few weeks ago all the alarms jumped after hearing the news that the Generalitat had approved the sale of unpasteurized or uperized milk in Catalonia, thus responding to the demands of some groups of consumers who claim that "raw milk tastes better."

The consumption of this type of milk is common in other countries such as Italy, France or the United States, from where precisely the news of a two-year-old boy with severe brain injury caused after consuming raw milk. Health authorities do not tire of warning about the serious health risks of this practice, especially among the little ones.

Affected by hemolytic uremic syndrome

William is two years old and contracted E. coli bacteria last June after ingesting raw milk. As we can read on the local television network WVLT 8, the parents had followed the advice of a nutritionist, who assured them that this type of milk would help him fight his allergy problems.

But the bacteria caused the hemolytic uremic syndrome, causing serious damage to the kidneys, lungs, intestine and brain, needing eight blood transfusions and almost two dozen dialysis.

"The bacterium collapsed his kidneys and affected his intestines, since he cannot digest food. And it has also affected his brain, causing a serious injury. He can't speak or do the same thing he did before he got sick"- expressed his father on television.

"It has been a month since William contracted E. Coli and as a consequence, hemolytic uremic syndrome. During this time he has had diarrhea, vomiting, high fever, two seizures, he has needed a respirator and numerous respiratory therapies. also had hypertension, pneumonia, viruses, colitis, renal failure, encephalopathy, edema, surgery for the placement of the vascular catheter, hives due to an allergic reaction to oral contrast, antibiotics, sedatives, analgesics, anti-anxiety medications, hallucinations, terrors at night, countless x-rays, ultrasound, tomography ... 21 dialysis treatments that last approximately four hours each, seven blood transfusions ... And I could continue to list "- explained the man heartbreakingly in a post he shared on his Facebook account, when His son had been admitted for a month.

Total, little William has been hospitalized for almost two months at East Tennessee Children's Hospital (United States), and in all this time his father has been sharing his advances in social networks. Recently, the child has been discharged, but continues to need special care at home and periodic reviews with different specialists.

It is not an isolated case

But William's story is not an isolated event (Although it seems to have been the most serious), as local media reported during the month of June of an outbreak of E. Coli in the area, which has affected 15 young children.

Among them, the case of two brothers stands out, as their parents have explained, they got sick after drinking a glass of raw milk that were offered before bedtime, without knowing the severity of the associated risks.

The little ones, had damage to 50 percent of their kidneys and they had to be admitted to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit of East Tennessee Children's Hospital, where all those affected by this outbreak of E.Coli have been treated.

According to an investigation carried out by the Department of Health, it is believed that the children involved in the outbreak have become ill from two different causes: Some of them have done so because of exposure to farm animals after a school visit, while others have become ill after consuming raw milk from a French farm called Broad Farm.

Numerous professionals in our country have echoed the news through Twitter, and have once again warned of the health dangers of this practice:

A fake nutritionist recommended that your child drink raw milk for his allergy problem. Now an E. coli infection has caused small damage to the brain. But we are exaggerated those who warn about these things //t.co/3A5OCVVe9z pic.twitter.com/g24OEB8pqg

- Antonio Martínez Ron (@aberron) August 3, 2018

What he has contracted is much worse than brucellosis. High mortality and probability of serious neurological sequelae.

- Joserra (@jramonfernandez) August 3, 2018

I remain especially sad for a child and a father who will never be the same. And outraged by an individual (who is not professional) who still being responsible will not receive any punishment

- Alejandro LopezNeyra (@ALopezNeyra) August 3, 2018

When we announced a few weeks ago about the dangers of consuming raw milk, it was not about riding a mess, no. It had nothing to do with politics or with prominence. We talked about this, about lives at risk. And once again who pays are them, the children. //t.co/UwRnNjM1qr

- Lucia, my Pediatrician (@luciapediatra) August 4, 2018

E. coli infection in children

E. coli is a bacterium that is found in the environment, in food and intestines of people and animals. In principle it is harmless to the body, but there is a strain that is not harmless and can cause serious diseases.

The bacteria usually come from contaminated feces, animal fecal waters, or they can be accidentally found in the meat packaging if not done properly. You can also stay in the udder of the cow (hence the recommendation not to drink milk directly from the animal), in unpasteurized dairy products, and in contaminated vegetables.

Some of the measures that we must take to prevent the spread of E.coli are:

  • Do not consume raw milk, that is, milk that has not been pasteurized. Remember, also, that boiling milk is not enough to be safe, as some people believe.

But E.Coli is not the only bacterium present in raw milkAlso, other bacteria such as Salmonella or Listeria can cause serious damage to health, especially in the case of pregnant women, children and people with weakened immune systems.

  • Caution is also taken with the consumption of unpasteurized dairy products, such as soft cheeses made with raw milk.

  • Cook the meat to more than 70 degrees; Avoid raw or undercooked meat.

  • Wash the surfaces used for cooking, dishes and utensils with hot water and soap, after having been in contact with raw meat and vegetables.

  • Do not consume raw fruits, vegetables and vegetables without washing them well beforehand.

  • Wash your hands very well after going to the bathroom, handling diapers and, above all, before eating.

  • If you are in contact with farm animals, it is very important to take hygiene measures later.

  • Drink water from safe sources, avoiding drinking from swimming pools, lakes or rivers.

False and dangerous myths about pasteurization

The official US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) reports on the dangerous myths that circulate around the pasteurization process, and makes it clear that pasteurizing milk saves lives.

  • Pasteurize milk does not cause lactose intolerance or allergic reactions. Both kinds of milk can cause allergic reactions in people sensitive to milk proteins.
  • Pasteurize milk does not reduce its nutritional value.
  • Pasteurize milk kill harmful bacteria.
  • Pasteurizing milk saves lives.

Via WVLT 8

In Babies and More Catalonia approves selling raw milk: the dangers for children and pregnant women, what is E.Coli and how to prevent infection in children ?, Boiling milk is not enough to make it safe

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