Symptoms that should be taken into account in the face of fever

As we know, fever is not a disease, it is actually an alarm signal that usually goes off when the body is fighting against the focus of a specific infection. In Knowing the fever you can access the necessary information to know a little more about this defensive mechanism.

Before a fever outbreak we must take into account a series of symptoms so that when the doctor asks us, we can expose them, so the doctor will make an accurate diagnosis.

We must pay attention to the appetite that the baby presents, if it is little or a lot. Check if it shows evidence of being reluctant, not wanting to play and responding little to the stimuli we do. Breathing, if you have difficulty and have a stuffy nose, throw up what we feed you, have diarrhea, your ears hurt, have paleness, excessive sweating, seem to have difficulty moving your head or cry a lot.

All these symptoms usually appear after 24 hours after the fever has appeared, many specialists advise that you wait at least these 24 hours provided that the temperature is not excessive, since after this time the pediatrician can contrast the data that They provide parents and properly perform a diagnosis and treatment.

Video: Fever in Kids: When to Call the Doctor (July 2024).