Animated food

It is not surprising that food companies saw a great business potential in childhood, for this reason they dedicated themselves to promoting their products through the most popular children's fictional characters of the moment, thus creating the so-called animated food.

Each new product is assigned one of these characters that at the moment most attracts attention, either because they release a movie, because it is a novelty, because all children see their drawings on TV, etc., it is still a fashion, so Superman, The Simpsons, the Teletubbies, become the claim for certain products to be consumed more, or at least bought because how many packages of cereals or cookies have parents had to eat?

We are of the opinion that if it is a healthy and beneficial food for the child's health, it is even a good option to use this type of suggestions for the little ones, as was the case with spinach and Popeye. But when it comes to fast food and various preparations that promote some health-related diseases, we are totally against it.

We believe that there should be regulations that reliably monitor products intended for children and prohibit all types of advertising that may predispose a child to move away from a healthy and balanced diet. What do you think?

Video: Cute Food Doodles Compilation #01 (July 2024).