Africa, the continent with the highest birth and death rates worldwide

The African continent is the place where up to 23.5% of births worldwide are registered each year, although as a counterpart it is also the place where half of the deaths that occur of children and pregnant women are counted.

Undoubtedly, these data shed light on the true need for education in sexual and reproductive health of this continent so punished by AIDS. The campaign against AIDS, awareness and the measures taken are not yet enough to alleviate this situation.

It is an endless cycle that must be remedied, many pregnant African women are infected with AIDS, up to 30% causing a transmission rate of mothers to children of up to 40%. All this information has been transmitted by Elena Salgado, Minister of Health and co-president of the World Health Ministers Network in the framework of meetings organized between the United Nations Population Fund, the World Council of Women Leaders, The World Network of Health Ministers and the World Health Organization in Mozambique.

Greater prevention is necessary to minimize the problem, there are too many years that the African continent suffers from the scourge of AIDS. This problem is the result of several factors that combine such as poverty, hunger, education, etc. Organizations and governments should put more emphasis on providing the necessary help to the African continent.

Video: Africa Road Safety: Continent has world's highest death rate per capita (June 2024).