I give you my dreams, a book of poetry written by children from 6 to 12 years old

From the poetry workshop in El Casar (Guadalajara), young poetry authors have come out who have already published a book, “You give me my dreams" Twenty-six children between the ages of 6 and 12 enjoy embroidering words on paper in their attendance at the workshop of the teacher of the Cultural Association El Berruche, Pepita Da Silva.

His love for reading, writing and poetry have resulted in the book that was presented by the Minister of Culture, Blanca Calvo, in the Municipal Auditorium of the town. In the presentation, some of the children who wrote the poems embodied in the book read their work in public and dedicated it to their parents. “Without being known writers, we can all take pleasure in playing with words. Create palindromes, acrostics, anagrams, tautograms, limericks, haikus ... Discover the pleasure of sitting with a sheet of paper in front to discover how words can be chained together, covering the white color of the paper and telling things about ourselves and the world that around us". These words of the Minister of Culture, possibly motivate many parents to take their children to workshops of this type, although more initiatives such as that of this town are also necessary.

The literary world enriches the development of children in various aspects that will always benefit them and it is adults who must show them their valuable existence.

Video: 3-year-old blows away audience with poem for Black History Month! (June 2024).