Gift vouchers for Madrid parents

As our partner Dolores announced at the end of last year, the Community of Madrid provides to all who are parents this year a gift voucher of 100 eurosWell, there are already about 2,000 families who have requested it. Esperanza Aguirre, the regional president, acknowledges that this is a small contribution, this being a mere gift.

Well, this is the case, although other types of assistance are made to families, they are not enough, you just have to check what aid they provide in other countries of the European Union to realize that in Spain very little is invested in the helps and in family conciliation. There are always exceptions, some municipalities try to provide all the help that is within their reach, but in the Spanish general calculation, the aid leaves much to be desired. Anyway, despite being a little help, you have to request that gift voucher, since a budget of 7 million euros has been allocated for it. It is necessary that the existing policy to help families with children is renewed, we are still far from having the same level of aid that can be, for example, Germany.

Spanish families are heavily indebted by mortgages, food has a high price increase and salaries experience minimal increases, of course aid is more than necessary.