It is necessary to prevent the effects of allergies during this spring

Spring will begin shortly and the forecasts are not encouraging for those who are allergic and especially for children with allergies. Pollen allergy will be more noticeable this year than in the previous ones, if last year the allergists indicated that the allergic activity was intense, this year may qualify as extreme, similar to that of 2001 where pollen values ​​in air reached very high quotas.

The Aerobiology Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergy and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC) warns us about these increases, although it will not be all Spanish communities that suffer from the high rate of pollen in the air, Galicia, Levante and Cantabria will have the opposite effect , those allergic to these areas will not suffer the consequences as those of the rest of the communities will. Our concern is children, It is necessary to prevent by ensuring that allergic children follow the treatment faithfully which the specialist recommended. Allergies increase every year and the agents that propitiate them are presented in a massive way, we must not lower our guard and go to the specialist, since they are aware of these data, so that they recommend us in the event that another type of Medication or timely action.

Allergic children have a really bad time at certain times of the year, trying to minimize the effects of allergies is the task of parents, we must fight against several agents that promote it, mites, pollen ... We hope that in the not too distant future researchers finally achieve an effective and definitive vaccine that allows a better quality of life for allergic children.

Video: Spring allergies lasting longer this year due to warmer temperatures (July 2024).