Gloves for public toilets

Surely all mothers repeat a thousand times "do not touch anything" every time we enter a public restroom.

I have seen that there are some mittens type plastic gloves that children are placed in those cases so that they do not come into contact with infected surfaces.

I am of that kind of hysterical mothers who do not let them touch anything in public toilets because they are, I think, a great focus of germs, especially some that in terms of cleaning leave much to be desired.

The stage in which children are learning to go to the bathroom alone is inevitable that they touch something, and although logically you have to teach them to wash their hands afterwards, they probably do not do it thoroughly.

Then he has contact with other children, or they put the finger in the mouth of the younger brother, those kinds of things that mothers know that happen.

Therefore, I do not know if it will be very hysterical, but mittens for public baths seem like a good invention. Too bad they are not achieved in Spain, but I have found some that may be ordered.

Some are Gotta Go Mitts and the others I have found are called Potty Mits.

However, disposable polyethylene gloves as small as possible can be used to fit the child's hand.

Video: Toilet Cleaning : Toilet Cleaning: Gloves (July 2024).