Dads and moms blogs (CXLII)

For this last Tuesday of the month, and as we do every week, we will go into cyberspace to see what stories we can find in the different moms and dads blogs of the blogosphere.

It is a moment in which we love to share with you all reflections, experiences, experiences and advice left to us by the parents and moms bloggers. We start!

And we begin our tour of and his blog About angels and other stories where he talks about shantala massage and the power of caresses. And is there anything more comforting than relaxing with our baby after having a bath?

We continue with Verosa's blog, Without a tit there is no paradise, where we can find a testimony about the loneliness of the puerperium, a stage of great changes in the mother's body, because all the organs involved in pregnancy and childbirth return to their previous state.

In I put on your bootiesVeropatucos tells us how his son Pablo tells him Mom, here I get bored! when he rides him in the carrycot. And, as he tells us, at first he fell asleep shortly after starting the car, but now it seems that he wants to explore more and needs a new chair ...

In Diving in me where Cocolina, its author, gives us a beautiful writing that describes the aroma of colecho in an almost magical way, just like that moment we share with our children when it gets dark, and more recently the schedule has just changed. Sure you will love it.

Recently, in our Happy Learning Space we have talked about the wise balance between current toys and traditional games. Well, our fellow blogger Maria Corcuera, from Create Moments, he tells us about the experience of his children with traditional games in the Botanical Garden of Barcelona, ​​which seems to have been quite satisfactory.

And finally, in Stories of a prince and four princesses We can verify that in Galicia what they celebrate next October 31 is not Halloween, it is the Samaín. And to share it with all of us, it explains a little better what this party consists of, which also decorates pumpkins (and teaches us theirs), and what their origins are.

And this is, for this week, what we have found in some of the moms and dads blogs What is in cyberspace. If you want your maternity or paternity blog to appear in our section, you just have to give us your URL address in the comments of this post and we promise to give us a spin. Until next week!

Video: A Mother's Cry (July 2024).