Booming infant caries

Childhood caries is in full swing, food and drinks have excessive levels of sugar, various compounds contribute to tooth enamel deterioration. That excess sugar is causing American children to suffer more cavities than 40 years ago.

A study in which the data of the last 25 years have been taken regarding the incidence of childhood caries, shows that children of 2 to 5 years are the most affected, increasing the incidence up to 28% in a period from 1999 to 2004. Although a previous period, between 1988 and 1994, also shows an increase of 24%. On the contrary, the study also shows that children who exceed that age have fewer cavities. The most worrying incident is the one we mentioned first, the study blames parents for providing excessive treats to their children, it also indicates that bottled drinks are one of the powerful reasons why children suffer more cavities, since this type of drinks are not fluoridated and noticeably damage tooth enamel.

Undoubtedly, the diet has a lot to do, although oral hygiene is also another aspect to highlight. Surely some parents will think that since it is milk teeth there is no problem and the defective tooth will be replaced by another in perfect condition. A big mistake, of course, since bacteria are also present in the gums, wow, they will not disappear next to the defective part.

We must take note of the study and prevent the appearance of infant caries through good oral hygiene and healthy eating where moderation with respect to certain foods and treats is paramount.

Video: What is Early Childhood Caries? (May 2024).