The union of the couple during pregnancy benefits the development of the baby

I will not say anything new. For all those who share their life with another person it is known that being well with the couple makes life be faced with another perspective, and the illusion increases if they are also waiting for a baby fruit of the love they have.

During pregnancy, it is essential that both feel happy and full, because this happiness has an impact on the health of the mother and the baby that is being born. It has been shown that living stressful situations for women, such as a separation, is detrimental to the development of the baby.

It has been proven through various studies that stress in pregnancy affects the baby, or for example, that suffering from depression during pregnancy can be one of the causes of premature delivery.

A journalist specializing in health and author of the book "Pregnancy told with simplicity", supports this theory and says verbatim that "The affective union of the couple is an essential element for good fetal development and his reception after birth. "

Therefore, as advice I think it is important that both of you are comfortable with your partner when deciding to have a baby. The determination to have a child must be a mature choice, taken with responsibility and above all, by mutual agreement.

It is also essential the involvement of the father during the nine months and that both are willing to face the great change in life of bringing a child into the world. That will already be a good start for both the relationship and the emotional health of the baby that will come.

The emotional bond that exists between their parents is able to feel the baby even inside the mother's womb. It is just a sample of what happens during the first years of life in which a good family relationship is essential for the child to develop properly.

Video: Soul Choose Its Own Parents? A Spiritual Talk on Karma, Reincarnation and the Soul (July 2024).