Children's birthdays are expensive

The social life of our children can be more expensive than we imagine, if you have many friends and are invited to the birthday parties of each of them, the average annual expenditure is equivalent to about 100 euros, an amount that is moderate taking Keep in mind that the gifts the child makes do not exceed 15 euros.

But you also have to add your own birthday party, in which parents can spend up to 400 euros with the gift included and counting that only about 10 children attend. It is necessary to have the invitations or the cost of the bag of goodies that is offered, in addition to the banquet of the invited children. Children's birthdays are expensive.

When parents have a tight economy, an extra expense of at least 500 euros per child due to their social life translates into another hole in the tight belt. Normally it is the parents who organize the party trying to ensure that everything unfolds as planned so that the birthday is a truly unforgettable day.

So many headaches and so much vigilance in the house itself have recently led to children's birthday parties being held elsewhere, some of the usual ones are the Mc Donald's and the ChiquiPark, although there are those who prefer to do it in an amusement park or a restaurant (the expense will obviously be higher).

Many are new consumer objects or new customs at children's parties, most have been designed by companies and advertising agencies creating a need in children that really has no reason to be.

Surely more than one reader remembers his childhood birthday parties, with sliced ​​sandwiches, crochet hooks, chips and soda. The balloons and the decorated tableware were a feast, the homemade cake made with much love was delightful. The gifts didn't matter (many times it was something necessary instead of a whim, the parents were already in charge of communicating it), it was the long hours of play with the friends that that day dedicated to you, the best gift.