Zero VAT on diapers

A new campaign has been launched to claim that diapers are exempt from VAT. At the beginning of the year we already learned about this purpose from UGT and the Consumers Union of Catalonia, but now it is becoming stronger (hopefully it turns out), since in addition to UGT the Consumers Union of Spain (UCE) has joined.

In the first two years of the baby, the cost of diapers is about 1,000 euros on average, of which 136 euros correspond to VAT. Our children are no longer in conditions of use, so we are lost in terms of price, but surely you can tell us what is the average annual expenditure on diapers. UCE and UGT remember that in other countries such as Portugal, Poland, Malta, Hungary or the Czech Republic, the reduced VAT rate is applied in this essential product, in Ireland and the United Kingdom diapers are not taxed, while the -tons of the- Spaniards we have to assume 16%.

How long will this logical request take? Do you already know the years that you have been struggling to get, first deduce and now there is no other than to request the Zero VAT for diapers?, enough taxes are already paid, we doubt that breathing will come out for free.

Via | Baby Finance and more | Campaign to remove the Iva from diapers

Video: Why sanitary items should be VAT free on uni campus (May 2024).