Only celiac: the day to day as the mother of two celiac girls

A friend who has just learned that one of her children is celiac has told me about a blog with which she feels very identified and I want to recommend them.

It's called Just Celiac and is the blog of Ana Montero, a mother of three girls of which two are celiac, that is suffer from gluten intolerance.

For more than a year, she has had her experience as a mother sharing advice, joys, frustrations and many times her outrage at seeing that 80% of the food on the market is prohibited for her daughters and that those who are suitable for coeliacs are very expensive

In the blog you can find videos, lots of recommended pages and a good assortment of recipes for celiac children, which Ana says have to be simple to prepare, healthy and with products easy to find.

I have been visiting the site, which in addition to entertaining me a lot because it is written in a very enjoyable way, has become more than a personal blog to become a virtual community of parents of children with celiac disease who share experiences, experiences and recommendations.

By the way, in Direct to the Palate, the culinary blog of the house of which Ana confesses to be a faithful reader, also usually provide very interesting information for celiacs.

Official site | Only Celiacs Live on the Palate | Only for coeliacs Live on the Palate | News about coeliacs In Babies and more | How to know if your child is celiac In Babies and more | Celiac disease In Babies and more | Petition for a Celiac Law in Argentina

Video: Celiac Disease: What kids have to say (July 2024).