New flexible alert system for abducted children

Undoubtedly, the case of the disappearance of the British girl Madeleine has caused real impact in many countries of the world, regardless of the investigations and the possible outcome that may occur, there is something very obvious, it is necessary to create an alert system for kidnapping children. European justice ministers support this initiative although with some reluctance, indicating that this system should only be applied in limited cases.

Honestly, what do the Ministers of Justice refer to when applied in very limited cases? To which only children from wealthy families will be contemplated? A kidnapping of a child is a true drama for the family and should not exist limitation to be included in the new alert system or do thousands of kidnapping cases occur and for this reason they cannot all be considered? In a community such as the European one, where borders have virtually disappeared, there is a need for a system that covers all countries (at least Europeans linked to the Union) but without any limitation. The solution would be to prioritize the cases of kidnapping without wasting time, according to which many cases may be false alarms, but in those that are kidnappings, police action can find a child more effectively.

According to the German minister Brigitte Zypries, it makes no sense to alert the kidnapping of a child through European television broadcasting his photograph, since it indicates that children are often "found otherwise." If this were done, surely more than one kidnapper would no longer feel safe moving his victim to another country, since any citizen could recognize the kidnapped child if the case occurred. Let's make it clearer, if a kidnapper takes a two-year-old child from our country to Germany, he can walk quietly without practically raising suspicions, but if the photograph has been disseminated through German television, he will no longer be so sure and confident.

Reducing the chances of such events occurring is an obligation of the European Union and economic or logistical arguments are not worth it. We agree that the creation of an alert system requires time to coordinate local, national and European actions. There should also be a control center that screens for possible leaks or possible custody problems between parents, but the rest of the cases should be included in this alert system.

The German minister who participated in the meeting of justice ministers indicated that the Madeleine case is an exception. Could you explain why? What is the difference between your kidnapping and that of another child? He also mentions that it is not effective to disseminate a photograph of a kidnapped child in distant countries, a kidnapping in Portugal does not have to spread in Denmark, since in his words it is useless, a curious deduction, isn't it?

At the moment everything is conversations and proposals, but we hope that they come to fruition and that the creation of the official form is finally carried out. new alert system for kidnapped children.

Video: CIV CAE (July 2024).