They will ban smoking in playgrounds and in cars with children

I consider that tobacco and children are in no way compatible, wherever.

That is why I am very pleased to know that the European Parliament has approved a report that will prohibit smoking in playgrounds as well as in private transport vehicles in the presence of minors.

I imagine that many parents will equally agree with the measure, which I think is very successful for several reasons.

In the first place, because no matter how much the playgrounds are in the open air and smoke is blown away by the wind, as some say to justify themselves, there are children playing around, children who become passive smokers, and we already know the damage What causes tobacco in minors no matter how small the smoke may reach them, and what to say when it comes to sharing a vehicle with people who smoke.

Secondly, and returning to the parks, when adults smoke, they leave a lot of cigarette butts that are within reach of children, and we know that children like to explore, touch and put them in their mouths.

And finally, it seems to me a correct measure for being a good example, or rather for not teaching them the bad example. The fewer people the child sees smoking, the more strange it will seem and it is better that way. It is preferable not to see it as a normal and everyday habit, but as a bad habit.

It is known that the more contact children have with adult smokers, the more likely they are to smoke in the future. That is why, as a mother, I prefer that the farther the children's tobacco is, the better.

Video: England, Wales ban smoking in cars with children inside (July 2024).