The nursery syndrome

We have just begun the most critical period in terms of contagions and diseases, the coldest months of the year cause what experts call Nursery Syndrome. The time of the year that includes the months of November to March, make daycare centers an ideal place for various diseases to be transmitted among children, some of the most common diseases are bronchitis, laryngitis, pneumonia, etc.

Little can be done and contagion is practically inevitable, it can be spread in up to 70% of the children in the class, viruses are transmitted through contact and the small drops of saliva expelled when sneezing or coughing. Parents can help reduce the nursery syndrome, one of the mistakes that some parents make is to take the child to the nursery when they have mild symptoms of an illness and are sometimes confused with a simple cold. According to specialists, if a disease is suspected, it is best that the child does not attend class, not only will the spread of a certain virus be prevented, but it will also prevent the disease he is growing from getting worse. Hygiene is very important in these cases, it will prevent more contagion from occurring among family members, wash your hands well, clean the utensils used by the child, etc.

Remember that before the appearance of the first symptoms it is necessary to go to the pediatric service and not downplay, we can confuse a simple cold with another more dangerous and contagious disease. Although it is not necessary to downplay a cold, it is also necessary to treat it, we already know that a badly cured cold can become a more severe disease.

Another interesting point is the cold of a parent, this can be infected to a child and become a serious bronchiolitis, the reason is simple, his immune system is much weaker. The truth is that the chain of infections that cause the nursery syndrome also begins at home.

Video: "Wolf in the Nursery" Lyric Video - Walking Corpse Syndrome (July 2024).