The MAP repeats, agendas and calendars promote healthy habits in children

Last year we announced the intention of the MAP (Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food) and the Foundation of the Food and Beverage Industry (FIAB) to distribute among the child population, through the different Councils of Education throughout Spain, thousands of calendars and agendas in which healthy habits were promoted. The calendars were intended for children from six years of age and they showed how many meals should be made at the end of the day. It was a starting point that sought to raise awareness among children. This year MAP repeats the initiative again providing calendars and agendas with the same structure and the same objective. The calendar does not incorporate news and presents the same sections as last year, riddles, jokes or curiosities combined with healthy habits.

This year also, with calendars and agendas children can win a bicycle, parents should only fill out a survey that will be used to gather the opinions that parents have regarding calendars and agendas.

Although it is a good initiative, we believe that the involvement should be made from the Ministry of Education for nutrition professionals to teach healthy habits in schools. Someday it will be achieved.