Interactive stimulation programs

Several studies show that stimulating our children during the first years helps to improve their cognitive development.

Educamigos It is a website that offers us interactive educational programs Complementary to stimulate children since they are 6 months old babies and during the whole stage of pre-school and primary education.

The early stimulation programs They are the ones that interest us for the audience the blog is aimed at. They have been created for children between 6 months and 6 years, that is, the baby stage and throughout the pre-school and early childhood education stage.

The method is based on a system of Bit sessions. They consist of a succession of 1.5-second presentations in which the child is taught letters, numbers or images on a white background (without any other distraction) combining visual and auditory stimulation.

On the web you will find a sample of how the exercises are, which can be found in Spanish or English, which can be used both to reinforce the language and for English-speaking children.

Programs include math bits, reading bits and social and natural environment bits. They can be purchased in CD format or subscribe to an online version.

Official site | Educamigos In Babies and more | Doman method to increase the intelligence potential of babies In Babies and more | Stimulate the baby's intelligence with the Tomatis method

Video: Baby Sensory Rainbow - fun baby video with music - Infant Visual Stimulation (June 2024).