Thyroid, fertility and risk of abortion during the first months of pregnancy

I think years ago getting pregnant was easier than now and the reasons are multiple. It has greatly increased infertility and consequently checkups and techniques to detect the causes.

A very important one is the hypothyroidism It can not only cause infertility or subfertility, but also affects the development of the fetus and greatly increases the risk of having an abortion during the first trimester of pregnancy.

And this is not something occasional because according to the Endocrinology Society approximately one in 100 women In fertile age he suffers hypothyroidism. In addition, the risk of developing it increases with age and maternity data in Spain indicate that Spanish women become pregnant on average between 28 years (with medium studies) or 33.5 (with university studies).

Dr. Sánchez-Franco, head of Endocrinology at the Carlos III Health Institute in Madrid, recommends that every woman who plans to get pregnant should ask her doctor for a thyroid function study.

And not only of the classic thyroid tests (T3, T4 and / or TSH) but also the "screning" of autoimmunity (a normal blood test that determines the presence of antithyroid antibodies) because, even with a 100% functioning gland If there are antithyroid antibodies, fertility also decreases and the risk of abortion increases in the first trimester and even during the first few days.

And it is not something so anecdotal: Hashimoto's thyroiditis is a genetic disorder that affects 5% of the adult population.

The issue in question is not to get tested (if recommended by our doctor) but the American Association of Clinical Endocrinologists established in 2002 administration of thyroxine (which the body is not able to manufacture by itself) in the form of pills and gradually to all pregnant women, whether or not they have a genetic history of this disease.

And this medication issue as prevention It is also subject to debate at the scientific level. Some studies indicate that much more information is still needed to ensure that thyroxine intake influences fertility, but what no one questions is the direct relationship between hypothyroidism and infertility.  

Therefore, it is an important fact to take into account all potential pregnant women and newly pregnant women.

I know that all this is for our good and that of the baby but let's recognize that before only with love you could have a child and now we have to do more tests to get pregnant than to go to a distant and dangerous country.

Video: Thyroid Disease in Pregnancy Video Brigham and Womens Hospital (July 2024).