A girl with two faces: blessing or curse? Can parents refuse to operate it?

Despite the rise of the internet and the supposed globalization, the same fact can be seen in very different ways from both sides of the world.

Lali, is the girl in the photo who presents a strange malformation called craniofacial duplication in which a part of the face has doubled in the head and therefore has four eyes, two noses and two lips.

If that girl had been born in the West (which I doubt because, with high resolution ultrasound, I would like to know what percentage of parents had aborted or not), there would be no doubt that she should undergo treatment doctor to try to get as close as possible to physical normality and can lead a life with the least stigma possible.

I think here most people would consider this birth to be a damn (or at least bad luck). And if we have already talked about parents who have requested 180,000 euros as compensation for wrong birth because their daughter was born without a right forearm (not detected on ultrasound), I do not know how much money they would ask in this case.

But as that girl was born in Saini, a town near New Delhi, the situation is seen from another point of view.

Parents and neighbors believe that the little girl is a human reincarnation of Shakti, the goddess of power and therefore a blessing: “this birth is a miracle and a good sign for the people”.

Regarding the 2 faces, where others can see impediment, they see advantages: “The girl sucks a thumb with one mouth while feeding her with the other, so she always has a free mouth to be breastfed. I don't want to change anything

But the question is: Can parents in such an excessive case refuse to operate on their daughter and offer her a better quality of life, regarding social acceptance?

We have already spoken here of the girl with 4 arms and 4 legs (case of Siamese twins) that was operated successfully, although she could not even walk and Lali, apparently can make normal physical life.

I fear that if this girl is not operated, she will never be a happy person, and not because of her, but because society will not allow it.

Video: The Alchemy of Transformation - Matt Kahn (July 2024).