Sex during pregnancy: benefits for all

In most cases, having sex during pregnancy does not present any risk, even when the delivery date approaches, if the doctor approves it. However, one of the most common myths of pregnancy is that you can not have sex, especially after pregnancy.

During the 9 months of pregnancy there will be changes in the sexual life of the couple, stages in which there will be more activity or stages in which they will overcome the discomforts, and in addition each couple will live it in a different way, so it becomes difficult to generalize .

But what is true is that, if there is no contraindication, practicing sex at this stage can be very beneficial for multiple reasons, both for the mother and the baby and the relationship.

And all without forgetting that the world of sexuality is fortunately very wide, and options such as masturbation or caresses and sexual games without penetration are a fundamental part of pleasure.

Benefits of sex during pregnancy in the couple

Because for the couple it is a special moment when we can reinforce the common project of having a child, fortifying an emotional union also through the bodies.

Affection and harmony in living together It is essential for the future mother, especially in a state of hormonal alteration and important changes in her body. Also essential for the father, who participates in the fears and joys of pregnancy and his future fatherhood. And the affection is fundamental for the baby, since he will have the pleasant state of affection and tranquility that his mother transmits to him.

In addition, for the future mother there is a gratifying psychic sensation after the sexual act, which the fetus also perceives. Sex during pregnancy is pleasant for babies, since in the womb the little ones are better oxygenated thanks to the increased influx of blood flow during intercourse. We can also talk about a pleasant swing inside the uterus due to movements. Some studies even claim that moms who had frequent sexual intercourse during pregnancy have safer, calmer and happier babies.

Face at the end of pregnancyMaintaining sexual intercourse can be a great exercise in preparation for childbirth, since vaginal contractions due to orgasm will facilitate labor and prepare the body to relieve pain.

In addition, if intravaginal ejaculation occurs, we have that prostaglandins, substances present in the semen, also favor the contraction of the musculature of the uterus.

So it seems that there are no excuses ... Sex during this stage is more usual and often more pleasant than commonly believed. Many times we hear about that pregnancy is a good aphrodisiac. Why can you increase the frequency and quality of sexual intercourse during pregnancy?

  • Especially in the first months, for the blood supply that they provide greater sensitivity to the genital area of ​​women.
  • Increase vaginal discharge, so the vagina becomes more sensitive and is better lubricated.
  • Another reason could be that the pregnant woman is more uninhibited, just like when the baby was sought, because contraceptive methods are forgotten. Sex is more relaxed and spontaneous, although we must remember that if the couple is not stable, they should continue using condoms to prevent possible sexually transmitted infections.
  • At the same time, the effect of estrogen on changes in a woman's body can be as much for her as for her partner. new "source of inspiration" and pleasure. For example, the increase in breast size can be very erotic.

Therefore, as we have seen, in principle there is no need to prevent sexual intercourse during pregnancy and quite the opposite, we will obtain many benefits for all. However, as we will see tomorrow, there are some cases in which coitus is contraindicated, and it will be the medical specialist who will give us the advice to follow in these cases.

Video: Sex During Pregnancy (July 2024).