We spent 8,000 euros in the first year of the children

There are several reports on the economic expense of having a child. It is assumed that during the first year of the baby's life it is when we spend more money because we have to buy a series of items such as crib, cart, children's room furniture, high chair and of course, clothes and diapers.

Last year the Spanish Confederation of Organizations of Housewives, Consumers and Users (CACUU), indicated that parents spend at least 7,132 euros per year. For its part, the Family Policy Institute estimates that the figure is around 7,384 euros per year between 0 and 3 years.

A new report in Melilla says that in that province the expenses of a baby in the first year are around between 5,000 and 8,000 euros Depending on the range of products purchased, which is also a fairly accurate figure.

It also depends a lot if the baby is the first or not, because if so, obviously the expense is higher because we all buy for the first time, while with the second or third, we almost always use the same things again.

The obligatory question is the help of 2,500 euros a real solution? Something is better than nothing, but it is far from the subsidies granted by other European countries and of course it is not enough to cover the expenses of the first year of the baby's life that a low-income family may have for more juggling.

Above, lately life is very expensive and if we add mortgage, food, taxes and other consumer items, the accounts do not go to almost anyone.

In fact, in addition to the fact that I believe that the aid adds up but is not an effective measure, I consider that the best help that parents can receive is not only monetary, but measures that allow reconciling work and family life, maternity and paternity leave more extensive, flexible working hours and a long list of facilities.

Video: Spoiled Rich Kid Spent 8,000 Euros On A Jacket (July 2024).