Being a mother or father after cancer

We know that Cancer is a disease that can lead to difficulties in getting a pregnancy, and a blow to parents who wish to have a child. But it is also true that the doors are not closed and today there are medical means and advances that make "the miracle" possible.

From the web of the Valencian Institute of Infertility (IVI) we can consult some informative leaflets about the possibility of being a mother or father after cancer, information that has the backing of the Spanish Association against cancer (AECC).

In these brochures we find interesting data on the options to maintain fertility before treatment, some of which we have already commented on our pages.

We have already seen how the IVI is committed to performing a free cryopreservation of reproductive cells for cancer patients. There is also the Fertility Preservation program in Oncology Patients.

We also find explained the options that exist after cancer treatment if ovules or ovarian tissues have not been cryopreserved. Natural means, egg donation or assisted reproduction are some of the possibilities, along with adoption. In the case of men, possible cases of recovery of testicular function after treatment are reviewed.

In short, an open door to hope that can help many future dads and moms.

Official Site | IVI Social Action More information | Being a mother after cancer, Being a father after cancer In Babies and more | Pregnancy after uterine cancer, The risks of pregnancy and childbirth after cancer, New ovarian stimulation technique, new hopes for conceiving after cancer

Video: Teen advice for dealing with a parents cancer diagnosis (July 2024).