Half of pregnant women, without work

The Godmother Foundation has just presented a study called Maternal Mobbing in Spain on the situation of pregnant women in the workplace.

Unfortunately, the report shows that the crisis we are going through is a bad time for women workers who will be or are mothers.

It is not that before they were good times, since maternal mobbing at work is something that was always there, however in the last year the thing seems to have worsened.

One of the most worrying data that emerges from the report is that half of pregnant women "suffer a penalty in their work environment, when they decide to be mothers." That is, for one thing or another, half of pregnant women are unemployed. As we know, unemployment figures are alarmingly increasing in Spain and the situation of pregnant women, one of the most disadvantaged sectors in this area, is even more affected.

If one of every four women who became pregnant was said goodbye before, that is, 25%, now the percentage reaches 37%, adding up to 12% of women who cannot even enter the world of work because they are pregnant.

It is sad to see that the crisis has contributed to nurturing the great insensitivity that exists in the labor world against women who decide to be mothers. It is disappointing to see that far from moving forward we have retreated in labor and family conciliation policies.

Video: Body Exercises for 4-6 months pregnant (July 2024).