Spanish pediatricians care for more children than recommended

We have already echoed in Babies and more on occasion of the lack of pediatricians in Spanish health, and the situation does not seem to have improved. Surely, once you leave the pediatrician, you have wondered if the visit has not gone too fast or you would have liked to give your doctor more information about your child.

And in recent years there has been an increase in the child population that, together with the shortage of pediatricians, has placed the professionals of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care in this situation that affects many parents and children.

According to a study conducted by the Spanish Society of Outpatient Pediatrics and Primary Care (SEPEAP), more than 50% of Spanish pediatricians exceed the optimal quota of children and adolescents treated.

In Spain, although there are quite a few differences according to communities, these professionals attend an average of 32 patients a day, but in many cases they may be seeing up to 70 a day, and they dedicate on average 9.4 minutes per patient, while the optimum would be 12 , 7 minutes, although we talk about an average and sure that in some cases it would take more time.

The study is entitled "Outpatient and Primary Care Pediatrics: current situation and future prospects", and 528 pediatricians from all over Spain (40.4% men and 59.6% women) participated, all of them members of SEPEAP , who were interviewed by telephone.

Another of the conclusions drawn from the study refers to the population sector that occupies these pediatric positions. It has been detected a progressive feminization of the group of pediatricians (59.6% versus 40.4% of men) and its aging, being the average age of the employed population of 50 years.

Hopefully, with respect to working conditions and patient care, the improvement proposals for the Spanish pediatric sector, which also includes the study, become effective and move towards better quality in every way.

Video: Primary Care Dr. Alfonso Mireles- Pediatric Medicine of SeminoleNemours (July 2024).