The world will improve when you stop comparing eating with crap

I feel the eschatological nature of the headline, but there comes a time when it seems that we have to explain it this way so that people open their eyes and mind a little: The world will be better when people stop comparing eating with crap.

A few days ago, I commented that only 49% of pediatricians thought it was good for mothers to breastfeed in public.

If among the pediatricians, theoretical advocates of breastfeeding, there is so much rejection of public breastfeeding, I do not want to imagine what percentage of the population is contrary to a baby drinking breast milk before them.

In Babies and more, without going any further, we have already spoken on several occasions of mothers who breastfeed their babies have received reprimands or have been invited to do it elsewhere with better or worse manners.

Whenever we argue that a mother can feed her child wherever she wants, we say that it is a completely natural act and a basic need that in most cases requires a high degree of haste. Babies don't know how to wait and They have the right to receive food wherever they need it.

However, there is still a section of the population that believes that breastfeeding a baby in public is obscene and that they do not have to see the breast of a lady, when she has the possibility of doing it elsewhere.

For them, and so many people verbalize it, "pissing or shit" is also a physiological necessity and something totally natural, and yet they don't do it in front of others in the middle of the street.

Seeing this matching vision of eat with the crapI fully understand that in a restaurant these mothers are suggested to go to the bathroom to breastfeed their children.

And this makes one think, because I doubt that anyone ate a sandwich or his plate in the sink of a restaurant.

Sorry, dear breastfeeding detractors in public, if you have the right to eat in front of others, a baby has it too.

Moreover, this debate does not exist when the baby in question is bottle fed, so where a baby can take a bottle without disturbing others (I think anywhere), a breastfed baby can drink breast milk from his mother .

As far as I understand, women have mammary glands and breasts to feed their babies, what a pity that many have remained solely and exclusively with their erotic (secondary) factor.

Hopefully, society will gradually progress (that we are falling far behind, too) and accept once and for all breastfeeding a baby is not a reprehensible act.

Video: 5 Strategies to Help You Stop Comparing Yourself To Others (July 2024).