Cold Melon Soup. Recipe for pregnant women

It is already summer, it is very hot and being pregnant does not help to be cooler.

I want to present this Cold Melon SoupIt is light, tasty and refreshing. It is a dish very rich in calcium, potassium, vitamin C and magnesium.

Ingredients for four people

1 melon, 4 tablespoons of olive oil, 2 sprigs of fresh mint, 2 tablespoons of sugar, 1 lemon, 1 skimmed natural yogurt, ground pepper, salt.

Preparation of cold melon soup

We cut the melon in half, remove the nuggets from a knife, remove the whole crust and chop it.

We introduce the melon pulp in a large bowl, add the yogurt and crush with the electric mixer until you get a soup without lumps.

We cut the lemon in half, squeeze the juice and strain it. We wash the mint, dry it, we peel it and chop it finely. We add them to the melon soup along with the lemon juice and crush again.

Season the soup with salt, pepper and sugar to taste and mash again while adding the oil.

Reserve the soup in the refrigerator covered with transparent film until serving time.

Preparation time | 15 minutes Difficulty | Low


We serve the soup very cold.

We can taste the soup until we find the point of salt, pepper and sugar that we like.

Video: Pregnant Women Eat Watermelon, This Can Happened to Your Baby! (July 2024).