Games to teach them to save

It is never too much for children to learn since they are small some basic notions of savings.

How to play is the best way to learn, from our neighboring blog Ahorro Diario we are approached a couple of fun games to teach our children to save.

The first is the Pasta and super tomato game which is to give children guidelines about what is necessary and what is not. You can name a list of items that they should place on the side of the pasta (the necessary) or the super tomato (the whims or not so necessary). This way they will learn to give more value to the things they have at home, to their toys, to food, etc.

The second game they propose is the Traffic light game to play with the ads that appear on TV. Most children ask for what they watch on TV, without having too much idea of ​​the quality or the actual characteristics of the product.

As advertising increasingly influences family consumption, it is a good idea to use the colors of the traffic light (red, amber and green) to classify the television ads that appear in the advertising batches.

I invite you to play savings for a while with your children and then tell us about the experience. If you know any other game for children related to responsible consumption you can share it with the other readers through the comments.

Video: The best ways to teach your little kids about money (July 2024).