Eat fat in pregnancy related to atopic disease

Today we wonder why allergies in children have increased so much in recent years. One of the answers is, without a doubt, the mother's diet during pregnancy.

A study published in the European Journal of Clinical Nutrition nine years ago already related the saturated fats consumed by the mother with a higher risk of the child developing atopic disease.

According to the research carried out, the children of mothers who had ingested many foods high in saturated fat during their pregnancies were 16% more susceptible to allergies than those whose mothers had better controlled their consumption.

Atopic disease affects 10% of the child population and manifests itself in eczema and itching and dry skin, the well-known atopic dermatitis, but also with rhinitis, asthma, conjunctivitis or urticaria.

Allergies have increased dramatically in children in the last decade, especially they are very frequent in Western countries. In fact, one in four European children is allergic.

It is very clear that the mother's diet decisively influences the baby's health in one way or another. A varied and balanced diet during pregnancy, controlling the quantity and quality of fats consumed, is essential to avoid future problems in children.