In postpartum, the return to exercise must be gradual

It is important that we remember that, however much we want to resume postpartum exercise, should be done gradually. One of the reasons that led me to write about the advice for the resumption of exercise after childbirth was my own courage, or rather unconsciousness, that made me resume the exercise as if nothing had happened in two months.

But it had happened, and much. Both as a significant weight loss and a muscle strain that can not support the same previous rhythm.

As much as until the day I went into labor I would have continued with my two hours of exercise, walking at walking pace with other muscle exercises as if nothing (apart from some usual cramps at those heights of pregnancy), the muscles that before they were strong after childbirth are lax, lazy.

So, when trying to walk at the same fast pace as before and stressing the muscles, especially the pelvic floor may weaken and not support exercise.

When I decided to return to my march two months after giving birth, a few meters began to hurt English and thighs. My idea was not to do the six kilometers I was doing before, but at the same pace, and I immediately realized that I would not be able to: I slowed down and continued at the pace of walking, turning around early and thinking that it had been too much daring ...

So in successive days the idea was to walk at walking pace and exercise the muscles less affected by childbirth (especially arms and abdominals did not involve pain or effort after vaginal delivery; in the case of caesarean section should not be tried so soon ). Walk every day a little faster and a little further. So, gradually, until within a few weeks muscle strength is restored.

Supposing the delivery was by caesarean section, the previous recommendations to resume exercise gradually are stronger if possible. The incorporation into gymnastics can be more tiring therefore it has to be slower. The abdominals should depart from our exercise routine until the scar and effort are not bothersome for the mother, since the caesarean section touches the muscles involved in the exercise.

Many and many will think that few recent moms think of exercising so soon, but from what I know it is quite frequent, although the exercise is smooth. The pace of the return to gymnastics will depend on each woman, although in any case it is advisable to wait for the "quarantine" to begin a gentle and progressive exercise. Recall that improper exercise after childbirth can cause incontinence and muscle problems.

In short, by performing gentle exercises continuously and gradually increasing time and intensity we will strengthen our body and recover our physical form. We will resume our previous rhythm, but, after delivery, the return to exercise must be gradual To make it beneficial.