The game is learning: how children play according to their age

The game is gasoline for the brains of boys and girls. They need to play in order to fully develop as human beings.

Tania García, an expert in respectful education and family adviser, says that we tend to worry about the food, hygiene and school education of our children, but "We forget that what they really need at all stages of development is to play".

But, What is the role of the game in the development of our children? As it should be? How does the way of playing evolve as children grow up?

Game values

Ensures the founder of Edurespeta that the more children play freely, the better their physical, mental and, therefore, emotional development.

"With these well acquired areas, they will be able to achieve absolutely everything they set out and want."

Through play, children learn to communicate, socialize, empathize, love, improve self-confidence., to understand and understand others, to respect and be respected.

Among its clearest benefits:

  • Develop intrinsic competencies and interests.

  • Learn how to make decisions, solve problems, have self-control and follow rules.

  • Learn how to regulate and control your emotions.

  • Make friends and learn from others as equals.

Its importance is such that it is recognized as a fundamental right of children, recognized in the Convention on the Rights of the Child, with the same importance as education or health.

The game, explains Tania García, "It is the most wonderful tool that children have and that we have to help them grow."

For that reason, it ensures that "The care we provide to our children should include time to play (despite the fast paced pace we are carrying today)."

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But the game evolves and changes according to each evolutionary stage of children. The psychologist Jean Piaget was the first to investigate these stages and to name them.

The education expert warns that the recommended ages are indicative and cannot be taken to the letter, because "Not all children live the same experiences with the same years and everything is absolutely natural and respectable". And he adds that:

"To truly respect our sons and daughters, we should not be guided by statistics or closed guidelines. Every child is a world and they have every right to go through stages before or after, or even pass them. The important thing is to know how to be in every moment , treating children as they need emotionally, with respect, kindness, love and empathy. "

And based on this premise, Tania explains the different types of game.

Functional Game

It is the type of game that predominates from zero to two years.

Based entirely on the sensorimotor area, it consists in repeating actions that cause them well-being. These repetitions are done with your own body, with an object or with other people.

Can be: put your hands in your mouth, bite, move your arms, make sounds ...

This game is usually in parallel, that is, children play alone or with a person or adults, but still do not play at the same time with other children. At this age, most make their own games.

Symbolic game

From 2 to 7 years old.

Based on the preoperational area, that is, the time when children do not yet have logical thinking. It is the best known of childhood. It is about performing actions or representing characters that are not usually present at that time.

Can be: act as a doctor, a police officer, a teacher, a banker, an electrician, to stage that they are in the market, in a clothing store, in a garage ...

Game of rules

From 7 to 12 years old.

Based on the area of ​​concrete operations, where logic begins to make sense to children. It's about making a game following its rules.

It can be played alone (a single child follows some rules and performs a game without other players) or in a group, several players following the same rules.

Can be: Parcheesi, goose game, chess, four in a row, 'pilla pilla' ...

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There are also other types of game depending on the space where the children are (outdoor and indoor games), of your interests and motivations (different areas: mathematics, emotions, language, psychomotor ...), of the available materials (homemade, purchased made, or without the need of any material), of the objective of the game (improve your self-esteem, release stress, foster respect, empathy or solidarity), etc.

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The paper of the parents

It is very important for the good development of the emotional health of children. So according to the respectful education expert and author of 'Educate without losing your temper', we should, among other things:

  • Play with them whenever they want, regardless of age. We have to be participatory, friendly and without judgments about their way of playing, their goals or their frustrations. You have to be respectful, therefore, with your emotional ability when playing and everything that involves.

  • Let them invent new rules, imagine, try and not obfuscate us by imposing 'adultism'. Because that, really, is not respect or play.

  • Take advantage of the game to strengthen the link, fostering mutual trust, affection and good humor. Adapting to their age and understanding and never laughing at them.

  • Don't wait for them to start a game, Encourage us to start them based on their tastes and priorities.

  • Make sure they play daily. We must develop the weekly schedule of our children (if they are quite old, we can do it together) so that they have several hours of free play a day. This leisure time does not include ex-school activities or school breaks. Tania insists that:

"It is much more important to make sure of the daily game than of the establishment of routines in other areas that will certainly learn later, if they have their hours of play covered."

  • Don't bother them If they don't require you to play with them. Better not spoil the moment, because any game time is beneficial for your health and you have to take care of it.

Tanía García, encourages us to finally remember a phrase by Francesco Tonucci:

"All the most important lessons of life, are made playing."

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