Experiences with Au Pair

I have considered inviting a student au pair To spend some time at home with us. As I work at home and my son is older, his role would be to talk to him in his native language, to help him become more fluent and enrich his education with a new vision. It has occurred to me that surely many of our readers have had Direct experiences with girls or boys au pair.

An au pair is usually a young student from another country who comes to Spain to learn our language and in exchange for accommodation and some pocket money, which varies between 50 and 100 euros a week, takes care of children for a while and Help with housework as one of the family.

As I have read most of the experiences are positive, both for learning the language of the visitor and for the experience of the family welcoming a young person and wanting to be with them.

However, we must bear in mind that they are not domestic service and their function is not to babysit all day, much less as assistants. It is necessary to make clear previously the rules of coexistence, schedules and what we expect from them.

Although they are usually girls, between 18 and 25 years old, with experience in childcare and very often studies related to them, there are also boys willing to have this experience.

One of my best friends, when I was 22, spent several months in the United States as au pair, in charge of a child of few years son of a single and working mother. Twenty years later they continue to maintain contact and have seen each other many times, forming a bond that I can almost consider as familiar.

Investigating the pages of ads the one that has given me the best feeling is a so-called Aupair World, in which families and students introduce themselves, give a lot of information about them and can get in touch for free.

I would love to meet your experiences with au pair students and that we can comment on the benefits and possible difficulties of this experience.

Video: my au pair experience + q&a (July 2024).