World Asthma Day is celebrated today

World Asthma Day is celebrated today, a date promoted by the GINA (Global Initiative for Asthma, World Initiative Against Asthma) and sponsored by the World Health Organization (WHO).

Every first Tuesday in May we try to raise awareness and remember that there are more than 150 million people affected in the world, many of them children. Not surprisingly, asthma is the most common disease in childhood. WHO estimates that the figure amounts to some 300 million asthmatics worldwide.

The motto of World Asthma Day 2010 will be "You can control your asthma". Those responsible for the organization plan to launch a campaign to reduce hospitalizations for asthma by 50% in 5 years.

On the GINA website we can find information about World Asthma Day, as well as tips and resources for planning activities, and a list of related events around the world that you can consult from here.

We remember that asthma is a chronic disease that is characterized by recurrent attacks of dyspnea and wheezing, which vary in severity and frequency from one person to another.

Some time ago we brought to our pages an interesting resource that today I want to rescue, on the occasion of World Asthma Day: a guide for asthmatic patients entitled "Living better controlling asthma."

Hopefully this World Asthma Day serve to support the people who suffer from it and continue trying to facilitate their living conditions and raise awareness about the avoidable risk factors and about the "quality" of life that surrounds us and makes asthma cases continue to increase.

Official Site | GINA In Babies and more | Caring for respiratory health since childhood, Asthma during pregnancy, Most asthmatic children are “from the city”, Sport, recommended for asthmatic children

Video: World Asthma Day (May 2024).