Great video that teaches how to express breast milk manually

I leave this great video that clearly shows how to perform a manual breast milk extraction. Although the explanations are in English the images are so detailed that it is not complicated to get an idea of ​​the way we can do it.

Manual or electric breast pumps or breast pumps can be very useful, but there are women who do not find them suitable for their situation or who must, on occasion, perform manual extraction in a timely manner.

If at work we are bothered by a very full breast or we want to pump milk for the baby without the hassle of carrying the device or if its use bothers us in the chest, the alternative of manual removal It is a very effective solution.

The chest should be gently massaged in small circles in the direction of the nipple, then following the path to the exit with the hand, helping with the body's advanced gravity. It is essential to be very relaxed and it helps a lot to think about the baby or even look at a photo to stimulate the exit.

A shower or warm compresses can be very helpful, but they are not essential, but if it is to perform the extraction with clean hands and use a suitable container if we are going to keep it.

At first we may get a small amount, but with a little practice it becomes a simple operation that has no complications.

In addition to the written explanation and if we do not know any mother who knows how to teach us or we cannot go to a support group, this great video can teach us to manually extract breast milk.

Video: How to Express Milk (July 2024).