4D ultrasound of an 11-week-old baby

Many times I have heard that 4D ultrasound is not recommended in babies under 20 weeks because of the impression of seeing the baby not fully formed. However, with this video of a 4D ultrasound of an 11-week-old baby, that is, less than three months of gestation, we can see that this is not the case.

On the contrary, it has impressed me how you can see the perfectly formed body, head, arms and legs of the baby. With 11 weeks the baby measures approximately 5 centimeters but its appearance is very similar to what it will have at birth.

She is a miniature person, although she still lacks months of development and growth within the mother's womb, in which by the way she is seen "at ease." A space that still allows complete freedom of movement, so much that even the mother cannot feel it through her skin.

Although 4D ultrasound (it is called that because it combines the three dimensions with movement) is recommended between week 24 and 30 because the conditions are the most appropriate since the proportion of amniotic fluid and the intermediate size of the baby allow visualization better, it can also be done in the first trimester of pregnancy.

The emotion of seeing the baby is the same, except that a few months later we can observe more defined features or see him make some gestures that a baby so small does not yet.

In addition, being a test that costs your money, most couples choose to do it once with the most advanced pregnancy, between the sixth and seventh month, to get the most out of the baby's first images.

Video: 4D ultrasound pregnancy of 11 weeks full fetus moving Rafael Ortega Muñoz Ciudad Real Spain (July 2024).