Andalusian babies will have a medical history from birth

The Andalusian board has been a national pioneer in creating a system through which all Andalusian babies, those born in both public and private centers, will have a medical history from birth and they will be incorporated into the databases of the public health system from hospital discharge.

Andalusia will have a Unique Birth and Birth Registry where all newborn children will be registered. Enrollment will be automatic within 24 hours after birth, which will prevent parents from completing the procedure, and will have medical information regarding the delivery and the first check-ups.

One of the main functions of this new system is, in addition to unifying the database and having reliable information to perform statistics, to improve the early detection of diseases in the newborn. Both in terms of programs for early detection of hearing loss and innate pathologies of metabolism.

Another advantage is that the pediatrician may have access to the baby's medical history from hospital discharge, which is an advance in health care and will surely improve his medical follow-up.

In general terms, the Unique Registry of Births and Births of Andalusia It will serve to develop health surveillance and protection strategies in real time. There will be greater coverage and control in vaccination programs, early detection, preventive information and promotion of healthy habits.

The initiative will start up and there is a period of one year for it to be operating in all centers. It is framed within the Humanization Project for Perinatal Care in Andalusia and the Birth and Birth Plan that is being very well received in the community.

In short, everything that is an improvement in the medical care of newborns, welcome. And see if it extends to other communities.
Via | Andalusian Board

Video: AS ClinicsApp: pregnancy follow-up with an app which transfers ultrasounds and medical histories (July 2024).