World Cancer Day is celebrated today

Today, February 4, World Cancer Day is celebrated, with the support of the International Union Against Cancer and the World Health Organization. As every year, means are promoted to alleviate the global burden of disease and prevent cancer and increase the quality of life of patients are recurring themes.

This year, the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), the Federation of Associations of Journalists of Spain (FAPE), the National Association of Health Reporters (ANIS) and organizations of cancer patients have called for cancer not be used as a synonym for "negativity" and "destruction."

We have learned from positive data regarding survival after cancer, the experience of fathers, mothers and children who overcome the disease, as well as the figures of childhood cancer in some communities.

Also, in a day with enough news about it, we have met, a website launched by the Spanish Society of Medical Oncology (SEOM), an online platform that informs patients about what they need to know to feel better before, during and after treatment.

In it we can find information about some interesting facts, such as the effects of radiotherapy and chemotherapy during pregnancy and lactation or about sterility and reproductive advice, as well as tips to lead a healthy lifestyle in terms of nutrition and physical activity.

We hope that the advance of the fight against cancer continue every day and that sick people have the support and the necessary strength to get ahead and overcome this disease, as well as that society is aware that there are habits that can prevent it and that it is a hard issue, but not taboo.

Video: World Cancer Day 2019: Together, we will end cancer (July 2024).