Kirikú's animated films

Today I want to recommend the animated films that feature the little one Kiriku. “Kirikú and the witch” and “Kirikú and the wild beasts”, both directed by Michel Ocelot, a Frenchman who spent part of his childhood in Guinea and then, back in France, specialized in animation film and artistic creation.

The two films, from 1998 and 2005 respectively, narrate the adventures of the intelligent and sensitive Kirikú, a tiny child who was born in an African village over which the terrible witch Karabá has extended a curse. In his wanderings, the little one saves his people several times with his ideas and his courage, facing evil and discovering, in the end, that the most evil people tend to be for a suffering from which they can be saved with understanding.

Kiriku He is enormously wise in empathy and in the capacity for analysis free of social conventions. The beauty of the music, of the dialogues and the exquisite invoice of the animation take us to an ideal world where beauty flows and in which, children, can be masters of life despite the fact that nobody, at first, confides In their abilities.

Used to children's animated films in which there is aggressiveness, violence and sexist roles, these are, instead, a breath of fresh air and sweetness, as well as a source of reflection and learning about human values. You'll love these two little movies Kiriku; I am sure of it and I recommend it for children from 3 to 6 years old.

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