Dads and moms blogs (LXXXVI)

Like every Tuesday, we take a tour of the blogosphere to discover what has been published recently in the moms and dads blogs. Once again, we share with you the looks and experiences of other parents.

After the first weeks of classes, in many blogs of dads and moms it is time to take stock. We begin our journey with With the Tit we have encountered where La Teta Reina, author of the blog and mother of the creature, tells us the second part of the return to the school of her son, who has started the school "of older" (I can not get used to the "older" when we talk about children 3 years old) Mess of uniform sizes, the agonizing first days of classes and how bad we had the parents during the adaptation period are some of the things he shares in his blog. You will feel identified, sure.

In Of my motherhood and other demons The topic of extracurricular activities is touched, whose opinion we have asked you in Babies and more in our question this week. In We begin extracurricular Myriam expresses doubts about the convenience of charging children with too many activities and obligations, but what happens if they want ?. It is a dilemma posed to many parents who want the best for our children.

We continue our tour of My only child, blog in which his mother tells us that her son is a Little Great Reader. He was a super motivated boy who learned to read very soon, at 3 years old. Now he is 5 years old and his mother talks about the benefits of early reading and encouraging children to come into contact with books since childhood.

From stories of books we turn to stories of nights. There have been several parents of young children with "moviditas" nights in the last week. In Building a family, Suu counts today in I do not want to sleep the nocturnal adventures of his family and how little they have all rested last night. We've all had those nights. From here our mood to face the remainder of the day and we hope that this night will be calmer.

A quiet night is the one he has had recently A Spanish Mom in Germany. What I have been able to laugh with Nocturnos and the adventures of their children at untimely hours.

Another night story, but how our little angels invade our bed (and we are so happy) we find it in My little Koala, where Maria tells us in a tender entrance how her little one has become the owner of the bed.

Finally, I can't finish the tour of the moms and dads blogs without leaving you this little pearl that I have seen in Re-educating mom. A wasteless analysis of the "common sense" of some of our pediatricians. I leave it there.

Video: MY FATHER Is Ready. I Am Ready To Pick Up MY Bride. I AM Coming - Part LXXXVIII 88 (July 2024).