Breeding Week in Arms 2011

The International Week of Breeding in Arms 2011. Once again, organizations that promote portage and take children to maintain natural physical contact with them are launched, all over the world, to explain the benefits of this ancestral practice and to carry out awareness and recreational activities.

In Spain, this year the International Week of the Foster in Arms it is celebrated with activities coordinated by the Kangaroo Network in many cities, the Flash Mob planned in Madrid, Barcelona, ​​Girona and Bilbao being especially interesting.

The families want to teach us with the Flash Mob that they can dance their children together with the baby carriers, spreading this way to take the children that summarizes a concept of parenting and demonstrate, in addition, that it is possible to take the children in a way safe and practical, in accordance with the motto of the International Arms Raising Week 2011: "A whole world of possibilities".

I wanted to illustrate this article, in addition to its official poster, with this beautiful poster designed by the Camino Claro Foundation from Colombia that, I have found, that shows sweetly and clearly, what our children, like little monkeys they are, receive by being lulled and carried in arms: security, comfort, communication. To think that the best thing for babies is to be in the stroller or the crib has no biological basis and, of course, it is not so pleasant either for them or for us (and we, the parents also carry).

Video: Easton Antique Arms - New Facebook Page (July 2024).