Prevent bronchiolitis from pregnancy

The bronchiolitis could be prevented from pregnancyIt is the most common respiratory condition in children under 2 years old and some children, after a first episode of bronchiolitis, continue to have frequent colds with wheezing, also called obstructive bronchitis.

The key to prevent bronchiolitis It is to protect the lungs from pregnancy and strengthen the immune system to prevent infections in the first years of life.

Remember that bronchiolitis is the inflammation of the bronchioles, small ramifications of the bronchi caused by the infection of a virus, being the respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) which affects in most cases. It starts like a cold, and sometimes the infection gets complicated and affects the bronchioles.

To prevent bronchiolitis From pregnancy, a balanced diet during pregnancy, rich in fruits and vegetables, is recommended, as well as avoiding tobacco, whether the mother is a smoker or exposure to third-party cigarette smoke.

Tips to prevent bronchiolitis

Bringing the pregnancy to term (premature babies are more at risk of respiratory syncytial virus), performing prenatal checkups, exercising, as well as the future mother leading a healthy lifestyle are important factors for babies' lung development .

Of course, once the baby is born, feed him with breast milk, whenever possible. Breastfeeding is a potent protector against childhood respiratory diseases.

In Babies and more | Caring for respiratory health since childhood In Babies and more | Tips to avoid respiratory diseases in children In Babies and more | Bronchiolitis, the winter star disease

Video: Mayo Clinic Minute: Whooping Cough Vaccine (July 2024).