Summary of the week from March 1 to 6 in Peques and More

We return a week full of information, resources and content for all those who want to follow learning about those wonderful children from 5 to 12 years old that make our lives happy every day. And since Peques and more We bring you a new weekly summary for the whole family.

In the training of the little onesEnrique Dans presented us with tools to use in the classroom and Meritxell Viñas completed a juicy interview in which we talked about how to educate our children in the appropriate use of ICT and especially social networks parents have to get involved in them.

We also talk about when to buy a mobile phone from the kids and another advice we review is to have a pet at home, why you have to make sure that it is not a passing whim. We also gave some guidelines as to why we should get used to children To collaborate at home.

In feeding We brought you another healthy dinner with pasta, garlic and tomato. And we gave guidelines to have a healthy diet in addition to presenting tricks to present fruits and vegetables in a more attractive way.

In education, Macarena presented us with a documentary that can help families to reflect on the training that children under six receive and facilitate the choice of a Early Childhood Education center. And is that the economic crisis hits and also affects the education of the kids and families have to give up training children in private schools.

In leisure we had a great time with the Magic by smiles function of the Abracadabra and Theodora Foundation at the Teatro Circo Price. And we laugh until we stop with the presentation of the second part of Despicable Me made by the Minions.

For the home security We continue to offer recommendations, this time on poisoning and not just by ingestion. Also for home, this Imaginarium runner can be a good choice of games for the little ones.

And in Health, we echoed the news that the Minister of Health announces that the Autonomous Communities Unify the ages of childhood vaccination. Good news that has long been a claim by medical professionals. We also warn about the impact on children's health of high levels of pollution in large cities due to the absence of rain.

As always, we recommend that you go through Peques and more, so that you can review these contents more widely as well as discover more articles than those included in this summary. Until next week!