Professionals who recommend that newborns not receive visitors

The first births in a family or in a group of friends, the first grandchildren or babies of the gang, are usually very popular in their first hours of life. Nobody wants to miss the great event of the baby's birth, and everything would be fine if it weren't because, for the mother and the little one, It is not advisable for the newborn to receive so many visits.

That is why in some hospitals and some medical professionals they are already doing their best to make parents (and visitors) aware that newborns and their mothers need peace of mind, for their well-being.

Mother and baby have just gone through a more or less stressful situation, the mother is often exhausted, the baby changes the world of tranquility from the inside of the belly to the noisy and luminous exterior, and what she needs most those first hours is to feel the Mother's warmth, skin-to-skin contact, and being breastfed early.

And all this is much better in a quiet environment, which allows the mother to be more relaxed. And is that being born in a cozy and respectful environment does not have to be limited at the time of delivery, also in the postpartum intimacy is necessary, let's talk about vaginal birth, and cesarean section.

That is why more and more doctors recommend that at least the first 24 hours pass for the baby only with the company of his mother and father, without visits, which can often generate resentment among close relatives.

In this way the link with the mother is favored and breastfeeding is facilitated, because the mother is calmer and in those moments when you do not know how to take the baby, it is appreciated not to have spectators that make you nervous. It also prevents the transmission of germs, from more people who touch the baby.

The first hours and the first days of the baby

All this is positive because the first twelve hours are the most sensitive time for the baby, particularly in terms of hearing and smell, so it is important to contact and intimacy with the mother.

There are even professionals who usually advise their patients to extend that custom as long as possible, at least for the first fifteen days, since if there are visits at home, the mother tends to be less with her child.

And, of course, the proposal is as much for the mother as for the father, who has more and more participation in the whole process, from the delivery room.

Luckily, and although there is still a long way to go, in recent years, concepts that have to do with respect to the times of the birth process and the wishes of the mother have been installed with force, as well as everything related to welfare of both her and the child at such a decisive moment.

Anyway, it should be noted that there are different types of families in the maternity plant of a hospital, from the most scandalous to the discreet, and of course always the last word in terms of visits should be the mother or the parents.

Parents decide who they want in their room the first hours of life of the baby. This should be a respected decision and not questioned by family and friends who may be excluded from visits in those first moments.

Of course, it is a suggestion and not an imposition, because it is the parents who have the last word, and I do not think we will ever see signs on the door of the Maternity plant of “Forbidden family visits”.

In addition, there is another important issue, and there is usually no single mother per room, so that visits from one will annoy the other even more, who does not know these people or have to have strange spectators. Silence and respect at this time is also important for other mothers and babies who share a room or floor.

But it is not bad that these and their families are informed of the needs of mother and baby after childbirth, and that is why I think it's great that there are professionals who recommend that newborns not receive visitors during those first hours.

Video: Caring For Your Newborn (July 2024).