Yesterday cloth diapers were changed in 250 cities around the world to celebrate Earth Day

Today is celebrated on Earth Day, ecological awareness has been taking its place in society, and although it is not by far the desirable situation, at least people who want to take care of their environment are not looked at as if they were weirdos.

In addition, the individual and collective will is accompanied by different institutional initiatives such as talks, workshops, "tree-planted", protests for the cuts to renewable energy. Without a doubt if you wanted to participate, surely there was an event related to this celebration near your home.

It was 40 years ago when this Day was established, and now it has far exceeded the borders of the United States (the country that promoted it). In addition, web 2.0 currently collaborates decisively in the exchange of experiences and communication between thousands of entities that fight for the Environment.

And it is that the situation for the beautiful planet that houses us is not easy: overpopulation, reduction of forest mass, pollution, biodiversity that is damaged and a lot (a lot) of pollution.

Use diapers Cloth is one of those gestures that social networks contribute to publicize as a respectful option with the environment, and normalize it. I know that when some parents tell their friends that they use them, there is a good chance that others will think they are weird, "hippies" or want to get attention. And for that reason, during the International Week of Cloth Diapers, which ends today, he had a “Simultaneous change of cloth diapers”, was in Valencia, Barcelona, ​​Alcorcón (Madrid) and Cangas de Morrazo (Pontevedra)

They wanted to break the existing World Record, although on the Facebook site they have not yet reported on whether they achieved it.

Cloth diapers are not old fashioned, nor are they an invention of a handful of overly modern parents. Nowadays it has evolved to be economical, beautiful, practical and above all ecological.

Did you know disposable diapers degrade very slowly and in addition every year about 30 million trees are used to produce them. In its manufacture a lot of energy is consumed and in case these reasons were not enough to tell you that the bleaching agents they carry irritate babies' ass. The moms and dads that you have been able to compare are already clear that I am talking

There are 250 cities around the world that have tried to exceed the figure certified by the Record Guiness: 5,026 diapers changed at the same time, we hope that this time it has been overcome. The initiative is organized by the Real Diaper Association.

And now that you know that using cloth diapers is an option according to the times and helps take care of the environment, How have you celebrated Earth Day?

Images | supafly, Donkey Hotel In Peques and More | Earth Hour 2012 on March 31 is a challenge for all of us: 'what would we be able to do to save our Environment?'

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