Blanet will grant 100 scholarships for children in rural areas to learn English by videoconference

It is not the first time we talked about Blanet, a company specialized in personalized e-learning services. And now we can say that their classes are entertaining, useful and that children really like to get in front of the computer every week to hold a videoconference with their teachers.

Today we want to tell you that this service will grant 100 scholarships for children in rural areas to learn English through videoconferencing with real-time native teachers using an innovative platform with a personalized, fun and motivational teaching methodology.

The activity will consist of weekly conversation workshops in English with native teachers through videoconferencing, which will supervise students in real time through a method that facilitates language immersion. All this, in a natural and fun way.

I have anticipated that we have already tried Blanet's classes: my children have been learning and having fun for two months, and we have all been wanting more. Classes begin promptly on the agreed weekly day. And the indications of the teachers are combined with animated videos that the children follow closely.

The expenses of these classes have been assumed by Blanet, and this is reflected in our weblogssl policy page in relation to business relationships.

The children actively participate, and I find it an added utility (in addition to the ease with which they acquire knowledge in English), it is the ease and autonomy they acquire in the use of a tool such as videoconferencing.

As for the scholarships that I have announced: any municipality, association or school in a municipality with less than 5,000 inhabitants may apply for up to 20 scholarships. The scholarships are intended for children between 3 and 12 years old and will last 2 months. Conversation classes can be held from cyberheads, classrooms with digital whiteboards or laptops.

It is a unique opportunity for groups that work with families and children in rural areas, and more taking into account that classes will be held in summer, an ideal time since our children have hardly any obligations.

The online classes are developed in a secure technological environment, which guarantees the privacy and confidentiality of minors, following the Law on Protection of Personal Data (LOPD) and other advanced standards and codes for child safety online. An expert administrator moderates the classes and in real time; Students see teachers on their computers, but teachers cannot see them, identify them or take pictures of the students.

With initiatives like these, children in remote rural areas, but with internet access, can have training that would have been unthinkable a few years ago.

Video | Youtube
More information | Blanet Insights
In Peques and More | Blanet gets English to also reach rural settings, Blanet is a method for children to learn English using videoconferencing

Video: Salman Khan: "The One World Schoolhouse: Education Reimagined". Talks at Google (July 2024).