Nine benefits of family sports

Although we are all clear that the practice of physical exercise is essential in childhood and adolescence, the truth is that we should continue practicing sport throughout life, because the benefits it brings to health, at any age, are countless.

Parents should encourage the practice of exercise in children from example, outdoor games and family sports. Why do sports with our children Not only is it a very fun activity, but it provides endless properties for everyone. Do you want to meet them?

Keeps bones strong and healthy

Studies have determined that physical activity practiced since childhood is an excellent way to prevent possible fractures and reduce the risk of osteoporosis at more advanced ages.

In adulthood, the practice of sport helps us increase bone density, reduce the risk of osteoarthritis and combat the effects of menopause in women.

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It helps prevent certain diseases

Similarly, physical activity has been shown to have an important role in the prevention of a large number of pathologies of chronic course, such as type 2 diabetes (which is beginning to increase among children), metabolic syndrome or cardiovascular disease.

It improves our mood

Sport is a source of happiness, as it generates a greater number of endorphins and increases the production of serotonin (happiness hormone) thus increasing our positive emotions.

In addition, sport helps relieve tensions and neglect stress, which contributes to a better mood and combat possible emotional problems that may have arisen throughout the day, both work, in the case of adults, as a scholar, in the case of children.

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Prevents sedentary lifestyle and obesity

How many of the plans we make with our children are sedentary? No doubt a large number of them, so it is important make up for it with the practice of physical exercise that helps sharpen muscle tone and strength.

This will have a positive impact on our body weight, combating obsession, which is one of the problems with the highest prevalence rate in Spain, especially among children.

Improve our cognitive skills

It is well known association of physical exercise with mental benefits. In this way, sport would help to develop our cognitive skills, positively influencing memory capacity, executive functions, concentration and effort capacity.

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According to several studies, the practice of sport in childhood would help the child's brain development, positively impacting on their academic performance. And is that research shows that cardiorespiratory ability and motor skills increase school skills, self-esteem and memory.

Improve our motor skills

The sport practiced in childhood helps develop the child's motor skills and physical abilities, such as balance, strength, speed, coordination, body expression ...

In the adult stage, all these aspects are still working with the exercise. But in addition, the sport helps to strengthen our resistance, improving the felixibility of the joints and reducing the feeling of fatigue.

Inculcate positive values

The sport has endless positive values ​​at any age, among which we could highlight: the promotion of teamwork, respect for colleagues and opponents, effort, self-esteem, responsibility, discipline, competitiveness ...

In addition to all this, sports practice is a excellent tool for the child to learn to manage their emotions, both when he wins (euphoria, joy ...) and when he loses (disappointment, anger, sadness ...).

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Provide free time and quality

There are many children who combine their workday with extracurricular activities. And although these are good for their training and development, it is recommended balance it with the practice of outdoor exercise, and better if this is practiced with parents.

For adults, playing sports with our children is a way to break with the maelstrom of everyday life, and reconcile personal and family life by spending quality time with them.

Help strengthen bonds

And last but not least, remember that any activity we share and enjoy with our children will help strengthen our bond with them, improve relationships and get to know each other better through emotions and feelings.

Family sports are fun and relaxing.. It makes us feel good, laugh, enjoy a relaxed atmosphere and improve our mood.

Photos | iStock, Pixabay

Video: SmallStars. Disney XD by Maker. Hilarious Youth Sports (July 2024).