Dads and moms blogs (CXXIII)

One more Tuesday we revisit the most interesting content that we have found for some moms and dads blogs and so see what experiences, reflections and stories tell us through the immense cyberspace.

Mom corchea (and how rhythm permeates everything) is Silvia's blog, where she tells us her thoughts on motherhood. These days he has dealt with the theme of “adults only” hotels, which prohibit the passage of children, wondering why children are so disturbed.

In For life (Bere and Gabriel) We found an original idea, to create stories with words, with five predetermined words that will test the imagination of our children or ours to tell them the stories.

Esquilo 4 is the blog of Mothers and Fathers of CEIP Prof. Tierno Galván (Málaga) for the construction of a common educational space. They offer us interesting games and science experiments (made games) like Venturi's kiss.

With M de Madre It is a space where the daily life of motherhood becomes smiles, laughter and tears. He has told us about his life with children as a result of an escape without the little ones and how he missed El Menor and El Mayor.

In Queen witch We read the adventures and misadventures of a witch and her little witches. On this occasion, he looks back at his first pregnancy and wonders in an emotional post about postpartum depression and regrets.

We have met South Mamita, where Tenant and Mami receive us like this:

Stories of my Motherhood. I never imagined that parenting itself was so exciting and so rewarding. There is no day equal to the previous one. Together it is a love story worth telling.

This time he tells us about cholestasis in pregnancy, whose most characteristic symptom is itching.

We end up with Madespymas (Mother, wife and more), which tells us that motherhood is a gift for her, one of the gifts she has been lucky to enjoy and she faces again, with renewed illusions but also with fears.

There are many moms and dads blog through the network, and we love to know more. Little by little we will get closer to them so that you also know their experiences and all those interesting things they want to share with you all. And we remind you that you can publicize your own blogs or your favorite blogs in the comments to this post.

Video: 童年回憶趣EP1戳戳樂超驚喜Taiwan Funny Poking Lottery. (July 2024).