Tips for little hikers

Autumn is coming, it seems that finally the heat stops squeezing so much and it is a very auspicious time for go on excursions with the children. I will give you some little tips to enjoy these walks that the little ones enjoy more if we also go out with the little friends: they are little hikers.

Tips before leaving and during the excursion, which can make it more enjoyable and for us to enjoy it safely. Surely you will soon be asked for a new exit to that town, the countryside or the mountain ...

  • The first thing is to know where we are going to go, plan our tour, looking at whether it is safe and that it is not very tired for children, planning the times.
  • Before leaving it is advisable to inform us of the weather forecast, and postpone the departure if bad weather is announced. Temperatures will give us the key to planning the clothes we should wear, although it is always advisable to bring extra warm clothes in case it cools, and enough liquid to avoid dehydration in hot weather.
  • It agrees prepare the backpack together in which they will take water and something to eat, according to the duration of the excursion: lunch and lunch and / or snack.
  • We must say where we are going and what our route is, in case there are any unforeseen events.
  • You have to wear the right shoes to avoid injuries to the feet or falls: shoes that hold the ankle and non-slip sole. In any case, it is not necessary to enter in little firm soils.
  • If the excursion is by bicycle, let's not forget the helmet and ultimately adequate equipment and protection for children and adults.
  • It does not hurt that the elderly carry the mobile phone with a charged battery and a flashlight if we go out in the afternoon or think there is a cave to see ... And of course, the camera to immortalize the best moments.

  • Although it does not squeeze so much, you have to be careful with the sun, putting on sunscreen before going out and wearing a cap is very important. We will also take the sunscreen to replenish if the excursion is long.
  • Once launched, we have to make it fun, we can tell them stories along the way, about what they are seeing or about the place we want to reach, or just some songs, Children love to walk and sing.
  • In the field or mountain it is not convenient to leave the indicated paths without following the signs, or in any case make fire. We also have to avoid leaving trash, keep the place clean on the tour and especially at the stops to eat.
  • If we go on a trip to a town we can plan visits (museums, parks ...) or stops to regain strength in a bar ...
  • When we stop on the field or mountain we can collect treasures, make traditional games like the rope, the ball, palms, corros, the hiding place (if you get too far away) ... The games of a lifetime are worth being rescued.
  • You have to encourage them at all times, if a child gets tired it should stop the whole group to rest with an excuse. Let's take into account the physical conditions of the children in the group.
  • Already back home we will try "not to decay", we must continue to encourage the excursion and once at home they can make an album with the best memories, photos, drawings ... Surely they will ask us to remember the excursion and repeat it again.

These tips for group excursions they don't have to stick to sporadic departures. Remember that making routes several afternoons or weekends is a good exercise that you will enjoy and we can create hobby.

Photos | Eva Paris in Babies and more
In Babies and more | Excursions with children: a walk through the forest in autumn, Enjoy outdoor activities with children, Nearby excursions with children, Good weather arrives: safe walks

Video: 6 TIPS for BEGINNER Day Hikers (July 2024).